Friday, August 29, 2008

R I Future's Convention Coverage Is Masterful

I admit I haven't read every single one of the recent blog posts and gave the photos the cliche glancing views, but I post this link to facilitate easy reference for myself and the secret Ocean State Loving internet community.

Apparently Governor Carcieri has paid his overdue taxes on the Florida condominium (plural?). This is well-covered in sites like RIFuture and yes, The Providence Journal's own

Who knows if that link will work!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Joe Biden -- Rhode Island Connections -- Pop Quiz!

Dear Readers,

Rhode Island (with or without Providence Plantations) is an Important State. We are a famous unit of measurement.

We are international leaders in the Field of Corruption.

We offer shiploads of culinary treasures, not leastly coffee milk and frozen lemonade and quahog delicacies.

Our very own Governor Don Carcieri forgets to pay his Florida real estate taxes, but that proves his Republican bona fides.

It is therefore no surprise that our Future Vice President, Joey Biden (hey, if his Mom can call him that, well it's good enough for me)has more than one Special Rhode Island Bonds of Affection and Heritage.

But, dear readers, I am desperate for comments or emails, so I will offer a Prize (maybe PrizeS) to those who can IDentify at least 2 (two) of these Connections.
My email is msnomir at gmail dot com. I am on facebook as Nomi Hurwitz (not Naomi in England and not Nomi Teplow in Israel.) Actually I have 2 other email addresses and if all those medical enhancement people can find me, then surely one or two of you can too.

Relatives and Contributors to this blog are, of course, ineligible, for any Prize, but Comments or Posts on this Topic are welcome.

With fondness for all,

Nomi (MsNomir and even occassionally, TonksLupin)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Del Martin. (May 5, 1921 --August 27)

From Pam Spaulding, I learn the news of Del Martin's passing. I have only read about her and seen photos of her, but I celebrate her life and am grateful for her tremendous pioneering activism.

I hope this link works!

If there is another "after world" she is joining Grace Paley and Marsha Z. West and Harold Rogovin and Darren Carr and Rhett Jones and Seraphin B. and Eric S. Richardson and Allegra Jones and Mahmoud Darwish and Mollie Ivins and Fred Martin and so many ancestors ...

August 29 -- Commemorating Katrina in RI

I received two flyers from Shannah Kurland and have tried unsuccessfully to copy them. Here is the infor. in English and Spanish.

Friday, August 29 is the THIRD Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina -
and here in Providence, we're getting a preview of the same

that were the root of the unnatural disaster called Katrina!

Join DARE, ONA and City Life/Vida Urbana (from Boston),
Safe Streets (from New Orleans)
and the Right to the City Alliance on a

Friday, August 29
3:30:: gather at DARE
(corner of Broad and Lockwood, behind Burger King)
March through downtown, end at 6:30

*music and performers*
*van for people who can't walk the whole way*
*exciting community speakers*

call (401)351-6960 or (401)228-8996 for info

* * * * * * * *

Viernes, 29 de agosto es el TERCER aniversario del Huracán Katrina –

y acá en Providence se ve el mismo
DESALOJAMIENTO de nuestra gente


EMBURGUESIMIENTO de los barrios pobres

¡Las mismas cosas que causaron el desastre que se llama Katrina!

Únete con DARE, ONA y City Life/Vida Urbana (de Boston),
Safe Streets/Calles Seguros (de New Orleans)
y la Alianza Derecho a la Ciudad para una

Viernes, 29 de agosto
a las 3:30:: nos reunimos en DARE
(esquina de la Broad con la Lockwood, atrás de Burger King)
Marchamos alrededor de downtown (el centro) hasta las 6:30

*música y breve teatro*
*guagua para las personas que no pueden caminar la ruta entera*
*discursos emocionantes por personas de nuestras comunidades*

llama al 351-6960 o al 228-8996 para mas información

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ursula K. Leguin's The Grace Place

I have just discovered this "little green place on my site for Grace where anybody who loved her can come and visit".

If you didn't meet Grace Paley or read her writing or about her energetic compassionate activism, this space offers some excellent links.

Thank you, Ursula K. Leguin, and thank you to Every one who keeps Grace's stories and witness alive.

Rhode Island --- Mississippi Connection ---Protect Us From Hard Working People

ICE Detains Hundreds in Workplace Raid

Monday, August 25, 2008

After answering the phone, Bill Chandler, director of MIRA! (the Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance, based in Jackson), blurted out, “The ICE raid is in progress right now at Howard Industries, in Laurel, Mississippi.” Laurel is a small town of about 18,000 people; Howard Industries employs about 800 workers.

Earlier this morning, Department of Homeland Security agents began descending on different work sites in Mississippi to unleash another brutal immigration raid. According to Mr. Chandler, DHS began renting hotel space over the past few days, indicating the presence of hundreds of Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.

MIRA also reports ICE placed the Southern Hens poultry plant under lockdown, which employs nearly 2,000 people in Mossell, Mississippi. Mossell is between Hattiesburg and Laurel on I-59.

And on Sunday night ICE set up roadblocks near the Wal-Mart in Hattiesburg, an illegal detentive stop to check for immigration status of passersby’s.

ICE agents have already gone into the Howard Industries plant in Laurel, where some 800 workers manufacture ballast for office lights, neon tubes and transformers. Approximately half the workers there are Latinos. Howard Industries has three plants; one in Laurel, Magee and Ellisville. ICE also raided Howard corporate offices in Ellisville.

ICE has arrested so many workers at the Laurel Howard plant that operations have been shut down. MIRA has already received reports of scores of children being left behind without their parents who ICE arrested at the Howard Industries plant.

ICE Raid, SB 2988 and MS’s Inglorious Present

The brutal ICE raid now taking place in Laurel and other parts harkens back to Mississippi’s shameful past of Jim Crow segregation, police brutality and violence. The current state laws, the national anti-immigrant climate and hangovers from Mississippi’s inglorious past made Jones County ripe for ICE to conduct their usual raids that trample on constitutional rights and communities.

Laurel has the distinction of being located in Jones County, headquarters for two notorious racist and anti-immigrant groups, the KKK and MFIRE, the Mississippi branch of FAIR, the national anti-immigrant group.

Earlier this year the Mississippi legislature passed and the Governor signed into law Senate bill 2988, the most draconian employer sanctions law passed to date in the U.S. that further criminalizes workers, especially immigrants, and opens the door for employers to discriminate against Latinos and others.

SB 2988 makes it a felony to work without authorization in Mississippi. SB 2988 imposes a one to five year prison sentence and hefty fines of $1,000 to $10,000. No one has yet been charged under SB 2988.

Today’s ICE raid however opens the door to using both federal and state laws, including SB 2988, in a new way. This has everyone on edge. Mr. Chandler added, “Now we are all waiting to see what will happen to people being arrested at Howard Industries.”

Support Needed to Counter ICE Raid Impacts

Mr. Chandler said, “We had been expecting the raids, either on the coast or in Hattiesburg. We were getting information that ICE was in hotels in the coast and other preparations were going on in Hattiesburg.”

MIRA began holding community meetings on the Mississippi coast and Hattiesburg areas all last week, getting the word out for the last ten days that an ICE raid was underway. MIRA advised workers of their Constitutional rights, to remain silent if arrested, and to prepare for the crackdown.

Now MIRA is seeking the help of lawyers. There is deep worry among the community about the raids and their aftermath.

MIRA has prepared social services and legal help for all persons, including families and others, affected by the ICE raid.

Bill closed by saying, “Most of what we are getting today is that ICE is focusing on Jones County; but haven’t had calls from all areas. We have had calls from chicken plants in and around Laurel. We had expected the raids to occur at chicken plants; it was a surprise, it’s a different industry. Howard Industries gets state and federal funding to operate.”

Support MIRA: Stop the ICE Raids

MIRA is now in meeting with families affected by the raid to assess what their needs are and also working with lawyers to deal with arraignments of workers swept up in the raid. MIRA needs attorneys to volunteer their services and help the detained workers.

Please visit the MIRA website to make an on-line donation at:

Send in a check or money order, payable to “MIRA,” write in the memo “Relief for families affected by raids” and mail to:


PO 1104

Jackson, MS 39215

To support MIRA’s legal project, call (601) 354-9355

For media inquiries, (601) 968-5182.

Take Action to Stop the ICE Raids

Call or fax the following officials, demand an END to ICE raids and to stop the attack the rights of immigrant families, workers and communities

Mississippi Congressional Delegations:



MS Gov. Haley Barbour

Tel (601) 359-3100 * Fax (601) 359-3741

Call your Congressional delegation:

Find your Senators telephone and fax numbers at:

Find your Representative’s number at:

Tell them: Stop all immigration detentions & deportations, end raids:

· ICE raids traumatize families, undermine worker’s rights and violate the rights of citizens and non-citizens.

· Immigration collaboration with local, county and state police and other public agencies undermine community trust and make our communities vulnerable to abuse, violence and exploitation.

· ICE raids and enforcement operations destabilize our communities and disrupt the economy.

· The problem with ICE raids is so fundamental that Department of Homeland Security should end all such enforcement operations.

· Congress must stop the raids and hold hearings on the impact on DHS/ICE on immigration raids and enforcement operations. Restore due process rights and make our communities safe!

To file a complaint against ICE agent on ICE abuses during enforcement operation or immigration raid:

Call the Joint Intake Center ATTN: Duty Agent

Fax (202) 344-3390 and (202) 927-4607

Toll-free: 1 (877) 2INTAKE (1-877-246-8253)


Arnoldo Garcia

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Red Nacional Pro Derechos Inmigrantes y Refugiados

310 8th Street Suite 303

Oakland, CA 94607

Tel (510) 465-1984 ext. 305

Fax (510) 465-1885

Join HURRICANE: the human rights immigrant community action network -- help build community power for justice & human rights!

Unete al HURACAN: la red de accion de comunidades inmigrantes para los derechos humanos -- construyendo el poder de las comunidades por la justicia y los derechos humanos!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How Many Homes Must A Man Know He Has...?

None of Your Business
(originally posted on Jesus' General inspirational spot)

how many homes must a man know he has
to know that he has a lot of homes
yes 'n how many pools must a man have to fill
before he drains the rio grande
the answer, my friends, is none of your business
the answer is none of your business

how many footprints must a man leave behind
carbon is what i have in mind
yes 'n how many keys must a man carry 'round
before he sounds like jacob fucking marly in charles dickens "a christmas carol" where jacob's ghost has a bunch of chains going "rattle-rattle" to show scrooges what he had forged in his life, link by link...what song was i doing here?

mjs | Homepage | 08.22.08 - 1:37 am | #

I encourage everyone to visit MortalJive's brilliant blog:

This song applies not only to John McWhatshisName but to Rhody's own, Don Carcieri.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Gratitude for RI's Catholic Bishop


This is good news.

"...magic in everything, and some loss..." (Lou Reed)

Many of you already know, please forgive the repetition.

On Tuesday I learned of the death of Eric S. Richardson, my former husband and the father of our son, Ethan.

Eric was 48 or 49.

I hadn't seen him in almost exactly 10 years,and understandably Ethan doesn't recall him.

Eric's brother Dexter (sometimes known as Tony) and mother Hazel and the whole family are always in my heart.

"There's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out."
~~Lou Reed

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not About The Buildings Fiction Contest and Prize

Not About The Buildings
Fiction Prize

The Idea:
Here at Not About The Buildings, we like reading. A lot. And we got to thinking that there's really no better way to keep people reading than to encourage good writing. Ideas started getting tossed around, and we decided that we should be rewarding good writers for their work. That's why we're extremely pleased to announce the first-ever Not About The Buildings Fiction Prize.

The Writing:
Entries must be previously unpublished works of fiction, 5000 words or less. Works will not be excluded from the contest based on genre, and stories geared towards a specific audience, including children or young adults, are also acceptable.

The Writers:
Writers need not be from Providence or Rhode Island to qualify for the Prize. The award is open to all writers, regardless of their location or previous publishing history. Entries will be judged solely on the merit of the story submitted, not on the author's location or reputation.

The Judging:
The winner will be decided by guest judge Rachel Cohn. The ever-delightful Cohn is the author of many wonderful teen novels, including Gingerbread, Shrimp, Cupcake, and Pop Princess. With David Levithan, she also co-authored Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (soon to be a movie, out October 3rd) and Naomi and Ely's No-Kiss List. She is based in Manhattan.

The Prizes (aka The Part You Really Care About):
A limited letterpress edition of the winning story will be published as a chapbook. An edition of 50 books will be published, with publishing rights to the story reverting back to the author immediately after publication. The printing will be done by Not About The Buildings in conjunction with the AS220 Print Shop, and the author will receive five copies of the edition.

Additionally, the winning author will receive other fabulous (and fabulously yet-to-be-determined) prizes.

The Winner:
The winner will be announced on or around November 1st, with publication of the winning story beginning soon after.

How To Enter:
Entries must be previously unpublished stories of 5000 words or less. Entries must be received (not postmarked) by October 15, 2008, and may be sent by mail (the preferred method) or e-mail.

There is no entry fee, but a $10 donation to Not About The Buildings is encouraged. (We realize this may sound suspicious, but it's not! We would never ask for bribes! We work from your donations, but at the same time we'd never want anyone with a great story to lose the contest just because they don't have the money! It's totally legit, and the contest judge will have no idea who donated anything.) You can donate using the Paypal link on the left of this page.

By submitting work you are acknowledging that Not About The Buildings has first publication rights to the story, which will revert back to the author immediately after the first edition is printed.

Entries may be sent to:

Not About The Buildings
Short Fiction Contest
246 Rankin Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

Print submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter, including the author's name, address, and contact information (telephone or e-mail.)

They may also be e-mailed (as .doc or .rtf attachments) to E-mails should have the subject line FICTION PRIZE ENTRY, and should have the author's name, address, and phone number in the body of the e-mail (but not in the attachment.)

Further questions can be directed to

Note Well: I consider Matthew Lawrence to be a friend and ally, and not only because we're "facebook friends". I know nothing beyond the above about this contest judge.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Security Cameras To Monitor Entire Narragansett Bay [ Rhode Island ]

PROVIDENCE — A camera and radar system to track and view ships and boaters all the way from the Atlantic to Providence Harbor will soon be in place, making Rhode Island’s coastal waterways perhaps the most closely scrutinized in the nation.Providence yesterday approved a deal with defense contractor Raytheon...

read more | digg story

My Heart Belongs To Maggie

Non Sequitur: I Dreamed I Saw Rhett Jones Last Night. ! ! Allegra was with him. We had a short but satisfying conversation.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Barack Obama Neglects Rhode Island ?!

I have just read the names, ages, and residences of the 10 "supporters" who will join Senator Obama Backstage at the Democratic convention.

Meet the 10 supporters who will join me backstage at the Open Convention in Denver:

Barb Sackman of Fallon, Montana
Barb is a teacher living in Fallon, Montana, a town of 150. She lives on her family's wheat and cattle farm, and rising fuel prices are making it hard to get by. She hopes Barack's plan for alternative bio-fuels will help the struggling economy in rural Montana. Barb volunteers for her church, sits on a hospital board, and organizes community events in Fallon. Barb says Barack "genuinely cares about the problems of people like me. We appreciate his continued trips to Montana to let us know that we are not forgotten." She will attend the convention with her husband.

Lenny Julius of Emerald Isle, North Carolina
Lenny is a retired naval officer who believes the Iraq War was a serious strategic mistake. He says that in 2000 he looked forward to seeing John McCain, a fellow shipmate, in the Oval Office, having known and served with him in Vietnam -- but no more. "Senator McCain has become a strong supporter of the Bush policies -- policies which have led to disaster both at home and abroad." He was won over by Barack's communication skills, leadership abilities, and intelligence. Lenny is an auto parts manager at AutoZone in Emerald Isle, a heavily Republican town where he says there are many "closet Barack supporters." Lenny remembers staying up late when he was young to watch John F. Kennedy accept the nomination at the last truly open convention in 1960. He will come to the convention this year with his wife.

Anne Rector of Indianapolis, Indiana
Anne is a retired budget analyst for the federal government. She says the first time she saw Barack at the 2004 convention, she thought, "This is Everyman. He is Kansan and he is Kenyan; he is African and he is Anglo-American; he is common sense and he is eloquence; he is dynamic and he is down to earth." Anne is an active volunteer for the campaign, as well as for a local animal protection group. She hosts a weekly local radio program named Art and Review, in which she reads to the blind. Anne strongly believes in the protection of our civil liberties. She will attend with a friend and fellow campaign supporter.

James T. Fondriest of Massillon, Ohio
James, a 22-year-old law student and graduate of Ohio State University, never thought he would vote for anyone other than a Republican. An active Bush-Cheney supporter in 2004, he became disillusioned with his state party and Republicans' handling of Iraq, health care, and education. "Barack Obama has inspired me to believe in politics again and, most importantly, the power of the ordinary citizen," he writes. "Although I still identify as a Republican and still stand for some conservative values, I finally feel like America has found a leader it can look up to and trust." Leading up to the Ohio primary, James made over 500 "Buckeyes for Obama" T-shirts and donated the profits to the campaign. He plans to bring his father with him to the convention.

John Volkmar of Boulder, Colorado
John served in the U.S. Army for 10 years. He says his two tours in Iraq with the 10th Special Forces Group opened his eyes to "the link between our country's lack of an effective energy policy and our flawed foreign policy." John believes changing this relationship is an essential step towards ensuring that our government works for the interest of the American people instead of special interest groups. He is now pursuing an MBA and hopes to work in the alternative energy industry. He is coming to Denver with his wife.

Marsha Shearer of Orlando, Florida
Marsha is a retired elementary school principal. She has phone banked and canvassed for Obama in Florida, and has been a supporter since even before Barack made the decision to run. Marsha believes that both the Iraq War and America's dependence on oil are negatively affecting the health of our economy. She supports Barack because he is not a typical politician. "He represents something above and beyond," she says. "I haven't felt so energized since McCarthy, trying to end the Vietnam War." She will bring her college-age granddaughter to the convention.

Trinace Johnson of Richmond, Virginia
Trinace is a single mother and disabled veteran who served overseas for the Iraq War. She currently works for the U.S. Army as a public affairs specialist. She has voted since the age of 18, but this is the first time she has actively been involved with a political campaign. Trinace is inspired by Senator Obama's message of change and his plans to address all of the issues that she cares deeply about: veterans' support, education, stopping the war, tax breaks for the middle class, gas prices and health care. Trinace became motivated to get involved when her neighborhood ran out of ballots in the primaries, and is determined to ensure access to voting in this election. "I wish I could be there in Denver," she wrote to Backstage with Barack. "I would love to be a part of this historical event. [It's] so long overdue." Trinace will attend the convention with her sister.

Eric Melder of Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Eric is a 59-year-old married father of three sons and a grandparent to seven grandchildren. A retired YMCA director, he has worked at Diakon Wilderness Center for the past 13 years counseling young men with drug, alcohol, and family problems. "The boys call me 'E-rock' and I do all I can to make a difference in their lives," writes Eric. A self-proclaimed "values voter" and evangelical Christian, Eric switched his allegiance from Mike Huckabee to Barack, convinced by Barack's ability to lead and build coalitions. Eric is bringing Anthony, a former student at the Wilderness Center, who overcame immense hardships, including an absent father and a drug-addicted mother, to ultimately become Program Director of the Center. "Barack needs to meet him," Eric says.

Holly Miowak Stebing of Anchorage, Alaska
Holly, a 20-year-old Alaska Native Inupiaq, is spending her summer break from Stanford University at the First Alaskans Organization interviewing native elders about their experiences with segregation. Holly is passionate about improving healthcare access for Native Americans, and protecting Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling. The 2008 presidential election is Holly's first as a voter. She says: "This was the first campaign I felt I needed to support. I don't have a lot of money, but I donate what I can because I believe in [Barack]." She will attend the convention with her mother who is the first Native American woman to pass the Alaska bar.

Kayla Whitaker of West Fargo, North Dakota
Kayla is a 20-year-old student and evangelical Christian who credits Barack for her newfound interest in the political process. "As a Christian, I have seen it repeated that evangelical Christians are 'required' to vote Republican. When I heard Barack's 'Call to Renewal' speech, I was surprised... This is change I can believe in and many other young, evangelical Christians can believe in, too. For the first time in my life, I got hooked on politics." She now plans to register to vote so that she can cast her ballot for Barack in November. Among Kayla's top concerns are health care, teacher pay, and the environment. In an effort to convince her mom to become involved in politics, she is bringing her to Denver.

Paid for by Obama for America

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It appears that: NOT ONE of those people is from Rhode Island. I pray that there is a mistake and some one's Ocean State status has been unfortunately (and grievously)omitted.

There are still a few days left. We must rally to the Cause. The State of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations is far more important than most of those above.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Regarding Mr. Hiu Lui (Jason ) Ng, a Victim of Our Fears/ICE

This is a legal petition of Habeus Corpus (?) submitted by the attorneys of Mr. Hiu Lui Ng, who died August 5 (6?), 2008 in Rhode Island while in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A related article by a New York Times reporter was "dugg" recently.

read more | digg story

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Governor Carcieri's Hispanic Advisory Commision Resigns


Eight members of the Governor's Hispanic Advisory Commission will announce their resignation at a press conference this Friday, August 15th at 11:30 in the Governor's Room at the State House.

Recently, there have been decisions and policies enacted by Governor Carcieri that have hurt the immigrant and Latino community, the most recent being the raids in the Rhode Island state courthouses. This has instigated eight members of the commission to resign.

The commissioners feel that since the commission was re-activated last year, Governor Carcieri has failed to consider the input or feedback of the commission and its members. Originally, the commission's purpose was to serve as an advisory group capable of voicing the Rhode Island Latino community's concerns. "At the onset we felt that the Governor created the commission in order to build a community effort as we navigate the issues that affect the Latino community of Rhode Island, but that has not been the case," states Jennie Rosario, President and Co-Chair of the commission.

The commission has organized this press conference because they recognize that the Rhode Island Latino community deserves an explanation. "All of us are invested in the Rhode Island Latino community, and we would have eagerly embraced the opportunity to advise the governor and his staff on issues important to Latinos, but we were not given this opportunity," says Jaime Aguayo, a member of the commission.

Looking to the future, Commissioner Bruno Sukys says, "The state of Rhode Island needs to look for solutions to our problems in a sensitive way by working together. Even though the commission was unable to contribute to this effort, my peers and I are hopeful that we will be able to create a new, more effective political forum for Latinos in Rhode Island."

The resigning members are Jaime Aguayo, Jorge F. Cardenas,, Juan Garcia, Mario Mancebo, Elida Picard, Magdalena Picot, Jennie Rosario, and Bruno J. Sukys.

Recommending: Matt Jerzyk's Analysis of 8/13 !!

I barely know Matt Jerzyk, but we have the exact same birthday ( with one of us being 10 years older and having only one son, and one has two...and a law degree and technical skills some of us only dream about).

His website, Rhode Island Future inspires this and many other 'Rhody-based bloggers.

Please check out his commentary from yesterday:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Panic in the Sheets

Several years ago there was a gun shop on North Main St. in Providence. The owner was a very old man, and in spite of being surrounded by the safety of hundreds of guns he was robbed. The police had to do a house to house search for the guns, and I’m thankful to this day that they were successful and no one was hurt. The old man went back to business as usual.
Texas has more guns than Providence, so you think they’d be really safe. That’s probably why their police have time to defend the public from the threat of–sex toys. The officers risked their purity to raid the den of vice, but all in vain-- a judge who has the Antichrist on speed dial told them to give the stuff back, and that's a problem. From the Houston Chronicle...
The Emperor is gone. So is Cyber Wabbit.
Three years after Houston police seized these and hundreds of other sex toys worth $50,000 from the Adult Video Megaplexxx, the devices may be missing from the department's property room.
The discovery came to light when a lawyer for the adult-entertainment shop sought to reclaim the 564 items that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently declared legal to sell.
After initially telling attorney Richard Kuniansky the sex toys would be returned, Houston police then said they were destroyed.
"They said no problem, you can send somebody by to pick them up, and then we get another call and it's 'Whoops, we don't have them,' " Kuniansky said.
Kuniansky said police told him they were destroyed, but he doubts that explanation.
"There is apparently no court order authorizing destruction of the property or any record of what happened to the property," he said.

Let the detectives investigate this. Is there a pattern of police officers calling in late? I wouldn’t recommend a house to house search. Ew. But the Texas police need to get more organized.

The police property room, actually more of a warehouse given the massive number of cases it handles, has had its share of woes.
A police supervisor who was fired after roughly 30 guns went missing got his job back in June after telling a Houston Civil Service Commission that lapses in security allowed people with criminal records to get access to the property room.

I’m not sure why that makes it okay, but that’s Texas.

Ray Hill, who has been a consultant for adult businesses, said sex toys were too tantalizing for police to destroy.
"I think the cops stole them," he said. "We've got these gifts to give our girlfriends and friends, and as gags." (more)

It’s incomprehensible that the police would give these deadly devices to their loved ones. Next they’ll be pilfering that hellish weed that turns choir boys into ax murderers. I’m shocked, shocked.
In Providence, I’m told, you can buy some things you would be embarrassed for your minister to see. The police are out chasing crimes. I hope. At least that’s what I want them to do. When the murder rate in our city is zero and the cops have lots of time on their hands we’ll talk about it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mahmoud Darwish (1941--2008)

I suspect Grace Paley and Mahmoud Darwish read each others' poetry. They may well have been friends and correspondents...

Here is a link to a piece by Fady Joudah on Mahmoud Darwish. I pray the link works.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The War on Your Neighbors

From today's issue of the Newport Daily News comes this story about a SWAT team that raided the house of Cheye Calvo, mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland, on July 29. Mayor Calvo was the innocent victim of a scheme in which packages full of marijuana were sent across the country by delivery services to random addresses. One such package had been addressed to Calvo's wife, Trinity Tomsic.

Calvo had just returned home from walking his two black labs, and was upstairs in his bedroom changing his clothes when a SWAT team from the Prince George's County Police Department and Sheriff's Office kicked in the door. They shot Calvo's dogs (one was running away at the time), and forced his mother-in-law, who was cooking dinner in the kitchen, down on the floor at gunpoint next to one of the dead dogs. She was soon joined there by Calvo himself, wearing only boxer shorts. The police spent the next two hours interrogating them on the floor next to the dead dog. Tomsic came home during this, and was quickly handcuffed and forced down on the floor next to her husband, mother, and dead pet. When Calvo asked to see a search warrant, the police refused.

Incidentally, Berwin Heights has its own municipal police force, but the county cops didn't bother to notify them that they intended to launch a drug raid on one of the town's residents. County Police Chief Melvin High said that he wasn't ruling out the possibility that Calvo and his family were involved in the drug smuggling scheme, and defended the way the raid was conducted.

Calvo has asked the federal government to investigate the county cops because, not surprisingly, he doesn't trust the county cops to do their own investigation. FBI agent Rich Wolf announced that the bureau had opened a civil rights investigation into the case, and would monitor how effective, fair and professional the law enforcement agency's conduct was during the incident.

Was this simply an unfortunate isolated incident? Sadly, no. As Radley Balko of the Cato Institute has documented:

Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home.

These increasingly frequent raids, 40,000 per year by one estimate, are needlessly subjecting nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they’re sleeping, usually by teams of heavily armed paramilitary units dressed not as police officers but as soldiers. These raids bring unnecessary violence and provocation to nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom were guilty of only misdemeanors. The raids terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence. And they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects.

At Balko's website, The Agitator, you can find links to this story about police in a drug raid in Massachusetts shooting a dog that was cowering under a coffee table (n0 drugs found, btw), and this story about cops shooting and killing a 17-year-old boy in a drug raid in Texas (again no drugs found), and this story about cops shooting and killing an innocent bystander in a drug raid in Connecticut, and this story about a cop shooting and killing an unarmed woman in a drug raid in Ohio because he heard the sound of some other cops shooting her boyfriend's dogs and he thought someone was shooting at him.

This is the war on your neighbors.

This is the war on drugs.

(this post is cross-posted to Rhode Island's Twelfth)

Dark Meat

David McReynolds always sends me important articles...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Support Alex Svoboda, Jason Friedmutter and Local Wobblies (IWW's)

I was horrified to see in today's Providence Journal that a "Special Prosecutor" has been selected to prosecute Alex...

Here's a link not to that article, but to a blog devoted to Alex...

Apologies, I didn't sleep well last night and am especially foggy technically...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Family Looking For Answers After Drowning

A South Florida family is searching for answers to what happened to their son. 22-year-old Seraphin Bernard, Jr., winner of awards, drowned in South Africa. But even after a five-day to the country, the family said it still has no answer."The only thing the tell me is my son disappear and they don't say anything else," said Marie Bernard

read more | digg story

There is a facebook group, Seraphin Our Angel

Monday, August 4, 2008

Rhode Island's Twelfth: The Rebel Without a Party

Rhode Island's Twelfth: The Rebel Without a Party

I think the above article is well worth reading. The author is barely known by me, i.e. we've not exchanged a single email ( not the case with Eileen and Tom K and myself)...

This is a technical experiment on my part.

More Newport News:

Father Ray Malm , formerly of Saint Michael's Church ( yes, I know the name is much longer) in Providence, is now working in a parish there. He is a wonderful guy, and I hear, feeling a mite homesick/unfamiliar. If anyone there meets him, please say Nomi Hurwitz sends a hug. Newport is fortunate to have him.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hooray for Captain Spaulding!

This blog has a fresh post. Hooray for this blog!


Yes, this blogger and I share one set of grandparents!

Friday, August 1, 2008

August 6, 2008 -- for Rhett S. Jones --

Aug 1 (21 hours ago)
Please join family, friends and colleagues to honor
Professor Rhett S. Jones
11:00 A.M. Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Rites and Reason Theatre/Africana Studies DepartmentBrown University 155 Angell Street (between Brown and Thayer Streets)Providence, RI 02912401-863-3558

Rhett's daughters, Jen and Ariana and his brother Gary will be present.

A Fall 2008 Celebration of Rhett's life and work is being planned. A date has not yet been set.

We want the students and entire community to be able to gather and share -- experiences, lessons, dreams at that time.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Rites and Reason Endowment/Brown University

Rockford the baby is Here!!!

I welcome young Rockford to the neighborhood (outside of the womb). He was born on July 28 at the Women & Infants Hospital in Providence, RI.

According to Luke his father, he weighed in at 7lbs, and he and Kristen are both well and coming home today!

Luke reports that Frankie is more interested in the construction near the hospital than in any of the occupants of the hospital.

Ollie the pug appeared in good spirits, and not overly harmed by the heat.

I love my neighborhood. I love my neighbourhood.

Also, recently arrived: Ilsa, shepherd mix, and Amelie, (sp?) human mix ... Francesca (human mix) from Rome (temporarily)...

News about the nurses labor situation at Fatima Hospital can be found here: