Friday, August 22, 2008

"...magic in everything, and some loss..." (Lou Reed)

Many of you already know, please forgive the repetition.

On Tuesday I learned of the death of Eric S. Richardson, my former husband and the father of our son, Ethan.

Eric was 48 or 49.

I hadn't seen him in almost exactly 10 years,and understandably Ethan doesn't recall him.

Eric's brother Dexter (sometimes known as Tony) and mother Hazel and the whole family are always in my heart.

"There's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out."
~~Lou Reed


Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Nomi. That's heavy. Condolences all around.


Dex said...

Yes, I was saddened to learn of my brother's death. He was 48 years of age. He missed his 49th birthday by less than a month. I appreciate the post by Nomi. Blessings. May Eric RIP.

Nomi said...

Many, many people have expressed condolences and shared prayers and kindnesses.

Thank you all.

I'm pretty sure Eric liked Lou Reed. Eric's tastes were eclectic and wide ranging. I'm sure he's pleased the Yankees won last night.

Again my thanks to everyone.