By Michelle Nichols NEW YORK, Nov 12 (Reuters) - A group of pranksters handed out more than 1.2 million fake New York Times newspapers mainly in New York City and Los Angeles on Wednesday with a front page story...
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For Marsha Z. West, Harold Rogovin,, & Grace Paley & Rhett Jones ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Love. Justice. Mishpoche. Rhode Island.
I wish I could get my hands on one of those papers.
give it 10 years and they'll be collectors' items and worth some real money.
kind of like the papers announcing Obama's win.
I didn't get one of those, either. :(
Thank you, two crows! I have added a link to one of your sites, "scattershot thoughts" in my Extended
Family section.
thanx for the link, nomi--
I linked with you over at Preserve, Protect and Defend.
that seemed the more related one, fwiw.
Thank you, I have to leave this computer imminently (it's in a library that will close soon)...would you rather I linked to Preserve, Protect and Defend ?
You can send me an email...
Also, did you write a lengthy comment about Puerto Rico / US history here once? I really appreciated it...
It's too bad it takes a prank to see that headline on the NY Times.
Thank you, libhom, for your comments. Would you like me to link to one of your blogs? Which one(s)?
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