Thursday, February 4, 2010

Keith Knight's Tribute to Howard Zinn

If you visit this blog, you already know that I claim Massachusetts and hey, all of New England, as neighbors, and honestly, any one I find simpatico...(which covers a very wide terrain), so I am thrilled to share a link to this cartoonist, Keith Knight.

Well, he's from Boston!

…was born and raised in the Boston area. Weaned on a steady diet of Star Wars, hip-hop, racism and Warner Bros. cartoons, Knight started drawing comics in grade school. After graduating from college with a degree in graphic design, Knight drove out to San Francisco in the early ’90s. It was in the Bay Area where Knight developed his trademark cartooning style that has been described as a cross between Calvin & Hobbes and underground comix.

The K Chronicles of February 3, 2010.

I will be adding the K Chronicles to one of my lovely long link lists. I am removing some links which lead nowhere or to the blogs which seem to be beyond dormant...and adding some new ones. If you would like to be linked here, and you are not selling shoes or worse, please let me know.


Johnny Pez said...

Tag! You’re it!

Nancy Green said...

Keith Knight is featured in 'Funny Times', a monthly newspaper that is 100% comics and humor. I didn't know he was from Boston. Cool.