Friday, February 25, 2011

Celebrate Curt Flood on Jackie Robinson Day

Firstly, my apologies for posting too infrequently. My new reason is that something very odd has happened to our computer (as of yesterday), and we have not discerned how serious the matter is, but I am using a public library computer ( thank you, Providence Community Library)...

Curt Flood's birthday was in January and here it is nearly March... and this little announcement does not represent my gratitude to him for his contribution to baseball and as a leader for the rights of athletes ...

If you have a facebook account, I strongly encourage you to join the group,
Put Curt Flood in the Hall of Fame

This is the description:
"A group designed to lobby support for Curt Flood's induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame for his major contributions on the field (2 World Series Championship Titles, 7 Gold Gloves) as well as off the field (he challenged baseball's reserve clause in the Supreme Court, paving the way for modern free agency not only in baseball but in all professional sports)."

Then take a little time to read the wall and see some of the stories posted and photos and, I think there is a video or two.

Jackie Robinson Day is April 15 and there will be a special Event at Dodger Stadium.

Perhaps we can organize an event in Pawtucket ? At a Paw(tucket Red)Sox game ?


spectral_ev said...

Nomi, hope your computer gets well soon.
Brown University has a computer repair shop in their bookstore, and they are cheap.

spectral_ev said...

Nomi, hope your computer gets well soon.
Brown University has a computer repair shop in their bookstore, and they are cheap.