Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Richard Walton !!

Richard Walton is a mensch. He is both kind and wise and generous and funny.

I used to see him three times a week, or at least once or twice, without fail. Now I see him less than once a month, but I know that I could call him or find him, if I had any kind of question or problem, and he would answer in the most practical and helpful of ways.

When our cat, Romare (Romey) died on a cold February morning, Richard was the one I called for a shovel...

Years earlier when my Bubbe was worried about me, folks in New Haven tracked down Richard, because they knew he was intricately connected with the Providence-Niquinohomo Sister City project ( I was in Niquinohomo at the time). And she spoke with him and he reassured her that I was well and busy and thriving....

I think of him as a brother, more than as a father or uncle, for reasons I cannot quite elaborate. Certainly a Wiser Brother. . .

This year his Birthday will be celebrated at The Roots Cafe.

In the past there were cheerful dogs and many crawling babies at the event, and I am not sure if either are encouraged to this setting...

If you have never met Richard, that's no reason not to celebrate. You probably have friends in common already....

1 comment:

spectral_ev said...

missed the party, but Happy Birthday, Richard.