Friday, June 8, 2012

A Selfish Altruist: Childless Vs Child-free…Missy Muzo's New Debate...

A Selfish Altruist: Childless Vs Child-free…A new debate in my life…: I was recently diagnosed with premature ovarian failure AKA…Early Menopause. At the time of diagnosis I was 37, so it is aro...

I don't know why  I only discovered this post yesterday, but I want to share it....

I remember being one of the only women in a workplace who didn't have children, and how those with children made very clear statements about how their maternal status gave them new found wisdom.

My fervent hope was never to make the kinds of statements, they made, whether or not their intent was innocent sharing... 

Missy is a funny and wise person, and I have "known" her thanks to the Internet for about 2 years now....

   ~     =   ~     -     ~     -      ~  

And  here's my Non Sequitur:  the Mother of a very dear friend of mine had Major Surgery yesterday in New York.....She is dealing with both cancer and cardiac issues ( in alphabetical order ) and a few others.....

If you are inclined to Pray, please, include her and her family in yours....and, of course, if that's not your  predilection, well, that's cool too....

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