Friday, January 9, 2009

RIers And Friends, Vote for Pam and PZ! (Weblog Awards, Cont'd)

Despite or because of (grin) my recent pissing match (if you'll pardon the expression, I'm in an alliterative mood), regarding Providence vs Portland, Oregon and Our Gay Mayors,
I am promoting Pam's House Blend,
in the LGBT Blog Category
Although there is apparently friendship between many of the bloggers in that category...and I suspect if I had more time, I would be quite enamored with many (perhaps all) of those blogs as well.

For alphabetical reasons, "I Dreamed I Saw Grace P. Last Night" is listed on some one's blog roll right next to JoeMyGod,
and that is an honor. Seriously. This blog aspires to reach the aesthetics and currency of many of the nominated blogs...

Pharyngula. Apparently going through some technical(today) changes today -- which means the link may not work...It's wonderful. It's currently an underdog...
PZ Myers,is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris, and writes with depth, wit and dare I say, Love...
There must be a connection between PZ and Providence or Rhode Island, but it has not yet been spelled out for me. He is one of my facebook friends (I confess so are: Pam Spaulding, JC Christian, and Carl)and I am grateful for that.

There are so many categories and I have not visited each nominee's site that surely I omit other Blogs with Rhode Island Import. Please inform me, and I will probably Promote them! If not via the comment section, then via email or facebook or whathaveyou...but the Voting Ends January 12th!

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